Thousands of downed power poles, towers highlight the vulnerability of our electric grid and the need to stop expanding fossil fuels The people of NC WARN are deeply saddened by the unprecedented suffering across states devastated by Hurricane Helene. We applaud the courageous dedication of utility workers, FEMA and all …
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Duke Officials Admit “High Risk” of Key Carbon Plan Element — NC WARN News Release
“Extremely difficult” to build billions in new power lines and towers through eastern NC; “so much opposition” can mean “you can’t get it done” Duke Energy’s 2022 promise to investors (see footnote 5) that it will pour $75 billion into high-voltage transmission projects in its monopoly states was belied recently …
Duke Energy Bulldozing Through South Carolina Community Mirrors Plans for Rural North Carolina — NC WARN News Release
Land seizure, secrecy, broken trust are keys to Duke’s unneeded grid expansions A rural community in South Carolina is vigorously challenging Duke Energy’s plans to plow through residential and business properties with high voltage transmission towers, lines and a substation. The energy giant has responded by invoking eminent domain, a …
New Studies Boost Case for Local Solar-Plus-Storage — NC WARN News Release
Duke Energy seeks to block regulatory and media/public debate over NC WARN’s sweeping solar alternative to Dukes’ PRO-Carbon Plan The renowned Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and the University of Texas-Austin (UTA) each have new studies showing that using clean energy resources at the local level can save customers millions, protect …
With Humanity on “highway to climate hell,” Local Solar is a Must if NC is to do its Part — NC WARN News Release
Everything Duke Energy leaders propose is very high risk, extremely costly and would guarantee failure for climate efforts United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said recently that world leaders must quickly find “an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell” and slammed fossil fuel “godfather” corporations such as Duke Energy …
With Humanity on “highway to climate hell,” Scores of Businesses, Nonprofits Contest Duke Energy’s (Pro) Carbon Plan — NC WARN News Release
NC Attorney General, regulators’ Public Staff, City of Charlotte, others oppose fossil fuel expansion and call to expand rooftop solar Amid a ghastly global escalation of crippling heat waves, wildfires and superstorms, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said last week that world leaders must quickly find “an exit ramp off …
Lovins, Experts Support Solar-Plus-Storage as NC WARN proposes — NC WARN News Release
NC WARN’s sweeping new Sharing Solar campaign coincides with years of advocacy by leading proponents of a US transition to renewable energy “The cheapest, most reliable power can be produced renewably and produced at/or near the customers — that is ‘distributed.’” That’s how clean energy guru Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain …
NC nonprofit argues Duke opposes rooftop solar due to profitability, proposes alternative carbon plan — Port City Daily
By Peter Castagno A prominent clean energy nonprofit issued a new proposal to revise Duke Energy’s carbon plan to expand rooftop solar throughout the state, arguing the strategy would address climate change and result in lower costs for ratepayers. NC WARN is a Durham-based nonprofit focused on promoting the clean …
Sweeping New Approach for Electricity System in NC — NC WARN News Release
More Proof that Duke Energy Leaders Hate Renewable Power — NC WARN News Release
New documents show Duke to keep strangling large-scale solar companies; highly touted solar build-out won’t even begin for years – and won’t last long Despite a years-long campaign to greenwash its corporate image by misleading the news media and decision-makers, Duke Energy remains a leading driver of the global climate …