Duke Energy, the nation’s largest investor-owned electric utility, claims to make affordability, efficiency and access to renewable energy for its low-income customers a priority. But an investigation by the Environmental Working Group shows that just the opposite is true.
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Energy Storage by Businesses, Cities, Other Big Power Users Set to Slash Duke Energy Revenue — News Release from NC WARN
Liberty Utilities Proposes Battery Program for Lebanon Homes — Valley News
How cities can fight climate change most effectively — MIT News
What are the best ways for U.S. cities to combat climate change? A new study co-authored by an MIT professor indicates it will be easier for cities to reduce emissions coming from residential energy use rather than from local transportation — and this reduction will happen mostly thanks to better building practices, not greater housing density.
Dutch Utility Bets Its Future on an Unusual Strategy: Selling Less Power — New York Times
When Eneco, a major Dutch utility, tested a promising energy monitor in several dozen homes, things could not have gone much worse. The company making the devices failed to deliver enough of them, and some of those provided did not work. But when Eneco sent workers to recover the monitors, something strange happened — a tenth of customers refused to open their doors. “They wanted to keep it,” said Tako in ’t Veld, a former Eneco executive who now leads the “smart energy” unit at Quby, the company that makes the energy meter.
Local Solar & Batteries Can Rapidly Replace Fossil Fuel Electricity, Save 10s of Billions, Create 1000s of Jobs across North Carolina, Says Energy Engineer — News Release from NC WARN
Recent leaps in battery technology, combined with falling solar power prices and energy-saving advances, mean North Carolina can replace all fossil fuels used for electricity by 2030, and half by 2025… That’s according to a comprehensive new report called NORTH CAROLINA CLEAN PATH 2025: Achieving an Economical Clean Energy Future. NC WARN commissioned the report by veteran energy engineer Bill Powers of San Diego.
Trigaux: If you’re not mad at Duke Energy, you’re not paying attention — Tampa Bay Times
In 2014, Duke’s delivered little but calamity, especially in Florida, where customers serve as company punching bags. But even in its home state of North Carolina, Duke fumbled. Now it’s busy downplaying a horrible environmental spill of its own making. A toxic sludge of 39,000 tons of arsenic-laced coal ash and 27,000 gallons of contaminated water now coats nearly 70 miles of the once-scenic Dan River.
State Holds Hearing To Consider Duke Energy Efficiency Policy — WUNC
State regulators are considering a plan to allow Duke Energy to charge customers a little more as it increases energy efficiency. A group of non-profits at the hearing, including NC WARN, said Duke should invest more in community-based efforts to weatherize homes and reduce monthly power bills without raising rates.