Expanding fossil fuels and suppressing climate solutions is lousy legacy In an interview in his final days as Governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper repeated the pretense that North Carolina is transitioning to clean energy. Cooper said he regrets that Duke Energy leaders are planning to add “a little more …
Duke Energy Gas Expansion
Duke Energy is planning a massive increase in its burning of natural gas to produce electricity. This would be a climate disaster because of the large amounts of super-potent methane that leak unburned from gas operations, particularly fracking. Recent science from the United Nations and others show that new gas infrastructure is incompatible with the goal of preventing catastrophic climate change. Read more here and in the news items below about NC WARN’s work to block Duke’s fracking gas future.
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With Humanity on “highway to climate hell,” Local Solar is a Must if NC is to do its Part — NC WARN News Release
Everything Duke Energy leaders propose is very high risk, extremely costly and would guarantee failure for climate efforts United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said recently that world leaders must quickly find “an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell” and slammed fossil fuel “godfather” corporations such as Duke Energy …
With Humanity on “highway to climate hell,” Scores of Businesses, Nonprofits Contest Duke Energy’s (Pro) Carbon Plan — NC WARN News Release
NC Attorney General, regulators’ Public Staff, City of Charlotte, others oppose fossil fuel expansion and call to expand rooftop solar Amid a ghastly global escalation of crippling heat waves, wildfires and superstorms, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said last week that world leaders must quickly find “an exit ramp off …
Sweeping New Approach for Electricity System in NC — NC WARN News Release
NC WARN to state leaders: Stop suppression of local solar; ALL customers can benefit by sharing solar costs just as we pay for dirty power – through the rate system With the global climate crisis at a point of desperation, power bills soaring and Duke Energy stifling renewables while aggressively …
More Proof that Duke Energy Leaders Hate Renewable Power — NC WARN News Release
New documents show Duke to keep strangling large-scale solar companies; highly touted solar build-out won’t even begin for years – and won’t last long Despite a years-long campaign to greenwash its corporate image by misleading the news media and decision-makers, Duke Energy remains a leading driver of the global climate …
Duke Energy’s Plan for New Nukes Collapses – NC WARN Open Letter to Gov. Cooper
The two-page letter below is about the burgeoning failure of Duke Energy’s nuclear pipe dream, Gov. Cooper’s criticism and NC’s broken regulatory process. ————————- November 20, 2023 Honorable Roy A. Cooper Governor of North Carolina Subject: Your criticism of Duke Energy’s plans for dozens of experimental nuclear reactors was validated …
NC WARN Commends Governor for Expanding Criticism of Duke Energy and its Deceptive Gamble on “Hydrogen-Capable” Natural Gas — NC WARN News Release
Group presses Cooper to counter pro-Duke regulators, prevent yet another billion-dollar blunder by the nation’s largest climate-polluting utility Watchdog nonprofit NC WARN today thanked NC Gov. Roy Cooper in an open letter for expanding his recent criticism of Duke Energy’s plans to gamble the state’s climate and economic future on …
NC Governor Criticizes Duke Energy’s Pro-Carbon Plan — NC WARN News Release
Breaking rank with the corporate giant is a good first step but Cooper must do much more to become a climate protector We appreciate Gov. Roy Cooper for criticizing Duke Energy leaders’ Pro-Carbon Plan as reported today by The News & Observer. The article’s headline is Cooper criticizes Duke Energy carbon reduction …
Is Gov. Roy Cooper a Climate Change Pretender? — NC WARN News Release
Watchdog group tells NC Governor to walk his talk, stop a leading climate polluter from expanding fossil fuels and suppressing renewables The North Carolina state motto is “To be, rather than to seem.” But Governor Roy Cooper continues to support a years-long pretense that Duke Energy is transitioning to a …
Powerful New Challengers Question Duke Energy’s $10 Billion Grid & Land Seizure Scheme — NC WARN News Release
Attorney General, regulators’ Public Staff among skeptics of Duke’s inflated cost projections and failure to consider cheaper alternatives that can help immediately with climate crisis It’s no wonder that Duke Energy hid plans to waste billions on new and expanded power line corridors, but forces are already aligning against the …