Promoting clean energy solutions can create thousands of jobs in North Carolina. Energy efficiency saves you money.
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Increasing Power Bills
Utilities are poised to drive up power bills. Families can protect themselves with conservation, energy efficiency and rooftop solar.
Coal Pollution is Toxic
Air and water pollution from burning coal causes serious adverse effects, such as asthma and heart desease.
Climate Change is Urgent
Global CO2 emissions must peak by 2015 — and all coal-fired power plants must be closed by 2030 — to avoid run-away climate change.
Game-Changing Energy Freedom Bill
Don’t Let Duke Energy Block Solar Competition in North Carolina!
North Carolina House Bill 245, the Energy Freedom Act, would open up North Carolina electricity markets to third party (“no money down”) sales of electricity, but Duke Energy is lobbying furiously to protect its monopoly control over North Carolina.
Fracking Gas, Duke Energy, and Climate Crisis
Public events on March 29 & 30 spotlight the disastrous climate and economic impacts of the massive natural gas expansion planned by Duke Energy.
Commission Denies NC WARN Motion to Halt Construction of Cliffside Power Plant – News Release by NC WARN
NC Utilities Commission declines to conduct hearing, and signals that Duke Energy can keep building power plants to expand its outside customer base
Particulate pollution kills – Science News
Studies are homing in on which particles polluting the air are most sickening — and why By Janet Raloff July 18th, 2009; Vol.176 #2 Bad breathFrom left: Alohaspirit/istockphoto; Egdigital/istockphoto Tasteless. Invisible to the eye. Air contaminants less than a tenth the size of a pollen grain are nevertheless dangerous. …