Regulators who detected nonconforming rebar at Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant’s expansion site didn’t have to go far to find a similar problem at the V.C. Summer project in nearby South Carolina.
Problems with New Reactors
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Persistent and New Problems at Vogtle Nuclear Project Signal Over 12 Months of Delay and Well Over $1 Billion in Cost Overruns – Even Before Foundation is Poured
Although it is heavily redacted, I encourage reporters to read Dr. William Jacobs’ testimony to see the very damning verbage on many fronts, which give lie to industry claims the project is going well. This complicated construction project is a mess and it’s getting worse.
$560 Million in Cost Overruns at South Carolina Nuclear Project – News Release from NC WARN
The second new nuclear power project underway in the U.S. has suffered at least $560 million in construction cost overruns according to a report filed today by plant owner SC Electric & Gas.
Costly Incompetence: The top four U.S. nuclear construction projects are already mired in costly problems – Issue Brief by NC WARN
The three nuclear construction projects underway in the U.S. are already suffering huge cost overruns, delays, and uncertainty about completion.
Groups: Nearly $1 Billion Vogtle Nuclear Reactor Cost Overrun Echoes Earlier Warning About “Boondoggle” Project
Even though the Vogtle reactor project got its federal license just three months ago, the controversial nuclear reactors are already in trouble. The latest problem: A cost overrun of nearly $1 billion in 2011 dollars, according to groups that warned in February that the Vogtle expansion effort is a boondoggle that could hurt ratepayers and (depending on the status of a pending Solyndra-style federal loan guarantee) U.S. taxpayers.
A higher price tag for a nuclear project – The New York Times, May 11, 2012
Vogtle nuclear project facing $900 million in cost overruns – NPR Atlanta, May 11, 2012
Vogtle Nuclear Construction Faces “Additional Delay” Based on Miscalculations in Foundation Concrete – News Release from NC WARN and Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
Southern Company presses NRC for expedited license amendment to avoid further slippage at Vogtle, construction of “nuclear island” not yet underway.
Big News! White House Hedging on Nuclear Loans!
This is big. The $8.3 Billion taxpayer loan for construction of two new reactors at the Vogtle site in Georgia, the centerpiece of the Obama Administration’s support for the “nuclear renaissance,” may be blocked–by the Obama Administration.
SC nuclear project likely hinges on NORTH Carolina approval – News release by NC WARN
This Friday, the NRC is expected to approve a Construction and Operating License for two Westinghouse AP1000 reactors at the VC Summer nuclear plant in South Carolina. The project, being developed by South Carolina Electric & Gas, is likely to hinge on Duke Energy and/or Progress Energy buying into it after a COL is issued.
Problems mount at nuclear construction in Georgia – News Release by NC WARN
Who gets soaked? Taxpayer loan guarantees pending as contractors begin feeding frenzy on cost overruns due to long-standing and new design problems.
Groups: Southern Company Does Not Have Real “Skin in the Game” if Vogtle Reactor Loan Guarantee Defaults
Industry group spreading falsehoods about viability of controversial nuclear project.