Expanding fossil fuels and suppressing climate solutions is lousy legacy In an interview in his final days as Governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper repeated the pretense that North Carolina is transitioning to clean energy. Cooper said he regrets that Duke Energy leaders are planning to add “a little more …
Duke Energy & State Regulators
NC WARN regularly challenges Duke Energy to make a rapid transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and energy efficiency. We intervene at the NC Utilities Commission in cases involving Duke’s rate increases and 15-year Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs). And we have repeatedly reached out directly to the corporation’s executives, seeking to collaborate with them on finding ways to avert climate catastrophe. A few examples are listed here.
- Check out the new coalition: Energy Justice NC: End the Duke Monopoly
- Duke Energy page on Energy & Policy Institute website
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Lawsuit Targets Duke Energy’s Decades of Climate Deception, Harm to North Carolina Town
NC WARN is honored to work with the Town of Carrboro and the Center for Biological Diversity on this project. Contacts: Patrice Toney, Town of Carrboro, (919) 918-7315, ptoney@carrboronc.gov Jim Warren, NC WARN, (919) 416-5077, jim@ncwarn.org Jean Su, Center for Biological Diversity, (415) 770-3187, jsu@biologicaldiversity.org CARRBORO, N.C.— The town of …
Rubber-stamping Regulator Approves Duke Energy’s PRO-Carbon Plan — NC WARN News Release
Anti-science NC Utilities Commission tragically sides with Duke as usual The utilities commission gave Duke essentially everything it wanted – as usual – in its order issued late Friday. They’re expanding fossil fuels and suppressing renewables – exactly backward from the demands of climate scientists. Duke and the commission seem …
NC WARN Presses Duke CEO to Personally Lead Shift of Fossil Fuel Industry in Face of Stunning New Climate Science — NC WARN News Release
Today nonprofit NC WARN sharply criticized Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good for personally being a key driver of the global climate crisis for the past 12 years. The open letter also urges her to lead a full pivot among fossil fuel cronies as new science shows “We are on the …
Helene’s Grid Destruction Amplifies Need for Distributed Power With Storage — NC WARN News Release
Thousands of downed power poles, towers highlight the vulnerability of our electric grid and the need to stop expanding fossil fuels The people of NC WARN are deeply saddened by the unprecedented suffering across states devastated by Hurricane Helene. We applaud the courageous dedication of utility workers, FEMA and all …
NC Court of Appeals Upholds Duke Energy Attack on Rooftop Solar — News Release from NC WARN & EWG
Despite calling pro-Duke Energy regulators’ interpretation of the law ‘absurd’, appeals judges give Utilities Commission OK to accept Duke’s biased cost calculations A state appeals court panel today rejected claims that regulators violated state law when allowing Duke Energy to downgrade the economic benefits for owners of rooftop solar. The …
Duke Officials Admit “High Risk” of Key Carbon Plan Element — NC WARN News Release
“Extremely difficult” to build billions in new power lines and towers through eastern NC; “so much opposition” can mean “you can’t get it done” Duke Energy’s 2022 promise to investors (see footnote 5) that it will pour $75 billion into high-voltage transmission projects in its monopoly states was belied recently …
Duke Energy Bulldozing Through South Carolina Community Mirrors Plans for Rural North Carolina — NC WARN News Release
Land seizure, secrecy, broken trust are keys to Duke’s unneeded grid expansions A rural community in South Carolina is vigorously challenging Duke Energy’s plans to plow through residential and business properties with high voltage transmission towers, lines and a substation. The energy giant has responded by invoking eminent domain, a …
Statewide Ads Plug Local Solar as Fastest, Cheapest, Fairest Way to Help with Climate Crisis — NC WARN News Release
State leaders, media must tell North Carolinians we are not captive to Duke Energy’s climate-wrecking PRO-Carbon Plan Duke Energy’s years-long strategy remains intact: to keep the public clueless about alternatives to the utility’s climate-wrecking expansion of fossil fuels and its crushing of climate solutions. Will one of the world’s largest …
New Studies Boost Case for Local Solar-Plus-Storage — NC WARN News Release
Duke Energy seeks to block regulatory and media/public debate over NC WARN’s sweeping solar alternative to Dukes’ PRO-Carbon Plan The renowned Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and the University of Texas-Austin (UTA) each have new studies showing that using clean energy resources at the local level can save customers millions, protect …