Dr. James Hansen, the nation’s foremost climatologist, will bring his urgent message against corporate influence over energy-and-climate decisions to North Carolina at a pair of forums in Charlotte and Chapel Hill hosted by the Carolinas Clean Air Coalition and NC WARN. Mike Nicklas, an internationally recognized green architect and leader in renewable energy, will join Dr. Hansen.
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CWIP: Transferring Risks to the Customer – Statement from John Blackburn and John Runkle
Power Plant Financing in Senate Bill 3 Shifts Risks to Customers By John Blackburn and John Runkle July 16, 2007 CONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS (CWIP) Senate Bill 3 has two main sections: the first is the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards (REPS) and the second is the treatment …
The Prospect of Rapid Warming – Duke University Dean Schlesinger
N&O August 24, 2006 Opinion Facing the prospect of rapid warming WILLIAM H. SCHLESINGER DURHAM – Fossil trees in Antarctica show us that climate has changed greatly in the past. Suppose the current warming is just part of a longer trend that we can’t do anything about? It is worth looking …