Op-Ed by Jim Warren. Despite a propaganda offensive depicting nuclear power as carbon free and safer than ever, resuscitating the failed technology would be a huge, unnecessary gamble for our climate, economy and safety.
Saved by nuclear power? No — News & Observer
Op-Ed by Jim Warren. What’s the most compelling reason Progress Energy should stop planning new reactors at its Shearon Harris nuclear plant? Global climate change.
Producing power with too much danger — News & Observer
Op-Ed by Jim Warren. The multi-billion dollar question is whether the nuclear industry can fool enough people with its fallacies — even to pay for new reactors in the Carolinas, including Wake County.
Safer? Cheaper? Hardly — News & Observer
Op-Ed by Jim Warren. Despite claims that nuclear power is “emissions free,” research in Europe and the U.S. suggests that routine radioactive releases into air and water are damaging health near nuclear plants.