State regulators ruled today that Duke Energy can weaken rooftop solar economics indefinitely with a complicated hash of new rules. The NC Utilities Commission order defies state and federal law, defies state climate goals and supports the worst aspects of monopoly control over our energy system and public wellbeing.
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NC Gov. Cooper Hints Duke Energy Should Stop Massive Expansion of Fracked Gas for Electricity — NC WARN News Release
We commend Raleigh’s News & Observer for putting Gov. Roy Cooper on record about Duke Energy’s huge and continuing expansion of fracked gas-fired power generation, apparently in response to an interview question about dozens of scientists calling for Cooper to halt that expansion.
North Carolina Clean Energy Advocates Give State Carbon Plan a Failing Grade — News Release from People Power NC
Today, People Power NC, a coalition of clean energy and social justice organizations, released a report card< assessing the state’s new carbon plan.
From new natural gas to potential rate hikes, NC carbon reduction plan meets criticism — News And Observer
The N.C. Utilities Commission’s first-ever plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions caused by generating electricity in the state has been met with widespread criticism.
Regulators’ NC Carbon Plan Gifted Duke Energy by Slashing New Solar Additions After Year-long Greenwash by Duke Energy — News Release from NC WARN
The state carbon plan published very late on December 30 is being widely criticized for many reasons. Now, it has become clear that instead of adding large amounts of solar power – as Duke Energy greenwashers have claimed for the past year – the plan would greatly reduce the pace at which the state is adding new solar.
NC Utilities Commission Buys Duke Energy Fiction that New Fossil Fuels Can Decarbonize State’s Electricity — NC WARN News Release
Tragically, the NC Utilities Commission went along with Duke Energy’s massive, climate-wrecking fracked gas expansion. The commission also seemed to go along with Duke’s request to greatly limit new solar projects indefinitely pending billions in new – and likely controversial – transmission projects.
Clean energy advocates urge N.C. regulators to reject Duke’s proposed solar policy changes — News Release from EWG & NC WARN
North Carolina regulators must reject a Duke Energy plan to impose new fees and onerous requirements on residential solar customers, says a coalition of advocacy groups. They say the plan ignores a state law that requires an assessment of solar’s benefits and would harm the rooftop solar industry and all state power users.
Federal climate law should prompt N.C. regulators to reconsider Duke carbon plan — Energy News Network
This summer, as the North Carolina Utilities Commission prepared to hear testimony from Duke Energy and other parties on the state carbon plan that the Commission must issue by the end of this year, something unexpected happened: After months of stonewalling, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) agreed to a compromise on federal climate funding.
Top Climate Expert Leads 45 Scientists Calling for Gov. Roy Cooper, CEO Lynn Good to Stop Duke Energy’s Huge Fossil Fuel Expansion
A top climate expert leads 45 scientists in writing a letter calling for Gov. Roy Cooper and Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good to stop Duke’s gas expansion.
An Equitable Carbon Plan for North Carolina — Webinar
Hear More About An Equitable Carbon Plan for North Carolina from Bill Powers (Environmental Engineer, Author of NC Clean Path 2025), Tina Katsanos, (Charlotte-Mecklenburg NAACP), and Sally Robertson (NC WARN Policy Coordinator).