Watchdog group tells NC Governor to walk his talk, stop a leading climate polluter from expanding fossil fuels and suppressing renewables The North Carolina state motto is “To be, rather than to seem.” But Governor Roy Cooper continues to support a years-long pretense that Duke Energy is transitioning to a …
Economic Consequences
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“Delay Means Death” — CNN
Unequal Impact: The Deep Links Between Racism and Climate Change — Yale Environment 360
Editorial: Climate change is just as real as COVID-19. Now’s the last, best chance for our government to treat it that way — LA Times
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic is the crisis of the moment, and a terribly serious one at that, threatening not only human lives but also the global economy. But it’s not the only crisis the world is facing, and we ought not, while confronting the immediate menace, disregard the other immense threat looming over us: global warming.