NC Needs Clean Energy– Not a Corporate Giveaway
Energy bill has fatal flaws: Tell State Leaders to Fix It or Nix It
The power companies and hog industry have loaded what began as a good renewable energy bill with measures that are very likely to:
- Raise your power bills and threaten our state economy.
- Squander our chances to slow global warming
- Allow 2,000 hog waste “lagoons” to continue harming our communities and rivers.
- Undermine our growing industry for renewable/efficient energy.
- Shift the risks for multi-billion dollar coal and nuclear plants onto ratepayers.
Duke Energy and Progress Energy plan to build $20 billion worth of power plants in the Carolinas. Bill S-3 would obligate customers to begin paying for them, including profits and interest, long before they produce electricity – even if the projects fail like many did in the 1980s. Even Wall Street won’t gamble on financing a “nuclear revival” unless ratepayers take most of the risk. This bill would create a “cost-plus” gravy train for coal and nuclear power plant contractors, NOT clean energy.
Scores of organizations oppose this huge corporate giveaway–
advocates for health, social justice, the environment, seniors, consumers,
low-income residents, river protection and conservative think tanks.
Power companies and the hog industry are used to getting their way in the legislature because of their well-funded lobby squads and hefty campaign contributions. This time, the stakes are far too high to allow more “business as usual.” We the People must demand that the politicians work for us.
Make a short call or email to state leaders TODAY. Urge them to STOP bill S-3 UNLESS:
- Provisions promoting new coal and nuclear plants are removed.
- Full environmental protections at hog and poultry waste-to-energy plants are added.
- Provisions allowing utilities to grossly overcharge for energy efficiency are removed.
He must use his clout to overhaul this bill.
919-733-3451 or
Urge him to stand up to the power companies.
919-733-4240 or 800-662-7952
919-733-4111 or go to the web site and click on Who represents me?