Contact Gov. Cooper and urge him to provide national leadership by banning the use of fracked gas in NC and opposing the Atlantic Coast Pipeline:
Governor Roy Cooper
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301 • 919-814-2000
Want some talking points for your message to the Governor?
If you follow these breadcrumbs, you can see where the problem lies….
- The massive expansion of shale gas burning by Duke Energy and other electric utilities is driving the US fracking boom…
- Leading to the build-up of super-potent methane in the air…
- Which is the main driver of the three-year global heatwave & weather extremes that have been harming people around the world.
- Capturing methane is cost-effective, but the gas and power industries are blocking requirements to do so.
- The best – and only – opportunity to avert runaway climate chaos is to curb methane emissions from the fracking industry.
Learn more:
Emergency Methane Action
Challenging Duke’s Fracking Gas Future