By Bruce Robertson
A gas-fired recovery post-COVID19 is off with the pixies
There are massive greenhouse emissions being released from the fossil fuel, gas, and LNG (liquefied natural gas).
This week we’re talking about something not many people know about, which is the massive greenhouse emissions being released from the fossil fuel – gas – and LNG (liquefied natural gas).
Those emissions are so big that in one major oil and gas producing area – the Permian Basin in the U.S. – they have likely wiped out all energy emission reductions since 2010 for the whole country.
If only 3% of gas produced is leaked, gas is worse for the climate than coal.
Yet it’s more than 3%. BP says it’s 3.2%. And a recent study of the Permian Basin found that 3.7% was lost in the production process.
What’s this telling us? This is the gas industry’s ‘Volkswagen’ moment.