The People’s Forum
In the final summary report (2007) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, more than 2,700 scientists concluded that we shouldn’t look for the weather to simply get warmer, but for it to get “weirder,” aka, global weirding.
So let’s see. In the past 10 months we have had two Cat. 5 typhoons in the Pacific; the Northeast United States experienced the coldest and snowiest winter in a century; and China, Russia and Australia are in such a protracted drought, all will have to import millions of bushels of grain to get by this year.
It seems that the horrific news regarding F-5 tornadoes here in our backyard is unprecedented in American history (by the way, May historically has two times the number of tornadoes vs. April). It seems that a critical thinker might surmise that things are getting pretty “weird” out there. Perhaps we should just ignore the environment, and it will just go away.
Dr. Robert Bruck
Alumni Distinguished Professor of Environmental Technology and Management, N.C. State University